Her story playstation download
Her story playstation download

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That's not a bad thing exactly, as some people like those types of things, but I'd really like to begin to see these titles labelled clearly for what they are and not reviewed on a par with actual video games. It is more of an interactive movie than even the likes of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. There's no incentive to play the game yourself.

her story playstation download

The story is the strongpoint of the title, and easily excels beyond other "Polygon Bait" titles such as the atrocious Gone Home, but everything this game has to offer can be enjoyed exactly the same way by watching a playthrough on YouTube. Her Story is exactly the above, I give it extra credit for the cheap price point I purchased it at, and to be fair this isn't the worst game in the world - but the problem is that its' concept wears thin extremely quickly and devolves into repetition. Mostly because it's not a video game, but we'll come to that later. This is what I call "Polygon Bait" - as in a game with an interesting idea of the type that particular review site loves to laud as This is what I call "Polygon Bait" - as in a game with an interesting idea of the type that particular review site loves to laud as 'artistic', but in reality it is, at best and being very generous, average in its' execution and, crucially, not very fun as an actual video game. Der Clou: die mit Uralt-Icons und Unterauflösung authentisch dargestellte Retro-Computer-Oberfläche zeigt nur fünf Clips gleichzeitig an, sodass die Geschichte wie ein komplexes Puzzle nur langsam Gestalt annimmt, sich in mehrere Richtungen gleichzeitig entwickelt und voller Twists steckt – in puncto Games-Storytelling absolutes Novum! Für einigen **** sorgen zudem originelle Silent Hill-Psychospielchen wie Chats aus dem Nichts oder irritierende Reflexionen auf dem Bildschirm. Dessen Frau und Hauptverdächtige ist Star in 230 Videoschnipseln, die durch kluge Google-Style-Stichwortsuche die Wahrheit enthüllen. So war das obskure Genre schnell wieder vergessen – bis jetzt! Denn Silent Hill – Shattered Memories-Game-Director Sam Barlow stampft mit Her Story einen Hammer aus dem Boden: Im interaktiven Krimi klären Spieler über eine alte Polizeidatenbank den Mord an einem Mann auf. FMV – da kommt Retrozockern die Galle hoch: Die „Full Motion Video“-Games der 90er waren berüchtigt für eine optisch-spielerische FMV – da kommt Retrozockern die Galle hoch: Die „Full Motion Video“-Games der 90er waren berüchtigt für eine optisch-spielerische Wegwerfqualität.

Her story playstation download